First of all, you’re convinced that you need a first class honours degree from NCAD to be any good at applying eyeliner.
Because no matter what you do, you always make an absolute hames of it.
In fact, you’re just waiting for the day that uneven wings become a trend.
That feeling when you’ve absolutely nailed one eye and fully expect to ruin the other one.
I’m going to bloody sneeze while applying eyeliner, aren’t I?
Liquid eyeliner in particular is your enemy.
Your hand just isn’t steady enough for it.
You’re convinced it can sense fear.
In fact, this perfectly sums up your relationship with liquid eyeliner.
Meanwhile, you look like an aging emo if you use eye pencil.
Not the strongest look, you know?
You’re in awe of girls who can apply their eyeliner on the go.
Basically you just want to know how Adele does it.
And until that day comes, you’ll just have to struggle on with uneven wings.