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How Stereotypically Mayo Are You?


mayofootballquiz Source: Wikimedia

1. The curse. Is it real?
Ha, no.
What curse?

2. Pick something to eat for yourself.
A nice ham roll
A Mighty Mac meal from Supermacs

Chicken Dry Hot and Spicy
3. What do you think of Mary Robinson?
PA Wire
A mighty woman.
A grand president.

Ah sure do you know she's from BALLINA?
4. Do you have at least one of these in your possession, usually tied around your luggage/wrist/head?
5. How does this picture make you feel?
Facebook/Kevin Hughes
Ah that's gas
That's so silly. Leave the sheep out of this

*blinks away tears* Love me county
6. What's this?
A scone
A shcone
7. And what's this?
It's a classic Mayo Genfitt jersey and WHERE DID YOU FIND IT
No idea, some Mayo thing
8. And finally - do you have a ticket for the match?
No and I don't care
Ah no, the real fans deserve to be there more

You bet your feckin' boots I do
No, and I'm devastated
Answer all the questions to see your result!
INPHO/Morgan Treacy
You scored out of !
You're not a bit Mayo.
Dunno, seems like you're not from Mayo at all? Check your birth cert. Bet you were born in - gasp - Sligo.
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INPHO/Morgan Treacy
You scored out of !
You've a touch of Mayo in you.
You're not really sure about the curse thing, but you love Mary Robinson. County pride works in different ways.
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INPHO/Morgan Treacy
You scored out of !
You are pure Mayo!
You came out of your mother's womb screaming "MAYO FOR SAM" and you haven't stopped since.
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