Dublin: 9 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

12 little things you can do to be nice to yourself


1. Go for a nice long walk and treat your ears to your favourite podcast

Schedule in a nice long walk that’ll allow you to take in one or two podcasts. (Or, if podcasts aren’t your bag, an album or your favourite Spotify playlist.)

The perfect kind of ‘me time’.

2. Set aside some reading time to catch up on all those articles you favourited on Twitter

We’re all guilty of bookmarking articles and saying, “Oh, I must read that” before promptly forgetting about them. Set aside some reading time and catch up on some of those pieces you’ve been meaning to read.

Looking for reading recommendations? Both Longreads and Longform are excellent Twitter accounts that showcase the best in longform writing every week. And Pocket is an excellent app for managing all the articles you want to read.

3. Take some time to b-r-e-a-t-h-e

Try your hand at a little meditation. It might sound hippy dippy, but there’s a lot to be said for taking even ten minutes to switch off from the world and focus on yourself.

Don’t know how to go about it? There are plenty of apps to help you with guided meditation, including Headspace and Buddhify. Otherwise, here is a very basic step-by-step guide on how to do it.

4. Don’t wait around for someone else to buy you flowers – buy yourself some instead

A fresh bouquet of flowers will always lift your mood. Plus you can get them on the cheap from most supermarkets.

Go on. You deserve them.

5. Invest in some new stationery because you’re worth it

There are few things more satisfying than a brand new notebook just waiting to be filled with lists and doodles. Get some coloured gel pens and highlighters while you’re at it. #bliss

6. Change the sheets on your bed

This might sound incredibly obvious, but there are few things more soothing than climbing into a freshly made bed. Get out your Egyptian cotton sheets.

7. Two words: face masks

There is nothing more lovely and indulgent than a face mask. Your skin feels rejuvenated after it and you feel like you’ve been to a spa. Win win.

You can pick them up on the cheap from the likes of Boots or, if you’re feeling organic, you can make your own with ingredients like avocado, yoghurt and honey. Here are some simple recipes you can try. (Warning: you may want to eat yourself.)

8. Just stay off the internet for a day

Make a concerted effort to not go on the internet for a day. No Facebook, no Twitter, nothing. Not exposing yourself to a little bright screen and all the outrage/drama/fluff contained within will do wonders for your head.

9. And when you’re back on it, watch all the Vines in this thread

Look at this little dog sneezing. Tell us it didn’t make you smile.

10. Get some new jammies

Now that we’re heading into winter, there’s no better time to treat yourself to a lovely pair of pyjamas. (Or indeed to dig out last year’s comfy jammies.)

Penneys jammies are the best. We all know that.

11. Treat yo’ self to some ~nice~ food

Fancy crisps, stinky cheese, good biscuits –  whatever tickles your fancy, really.

12. Watch this video again

Source: Conor Devaney/YouTube

Never gets old.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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