MEN OF IRELAND! No longer must you opt for the shiny slacks and years-old suit jackets, as Penneys is giving their menswear a very fancy upgrade.
This month, Penneys claims to be getting ‘sophisticated’ with a Donegal tweed range by Molloy & Sons, with a two-piece suit coming in at €160 (€210 if you add in a waistcoat).
To put that into perspective, a tailor-fitted tweed suit would cost around €400 at the very least.
Swit swoo.
The priciest single item is this handsome tweed coat, at €140:
If tweed isn’t your thing, they’re also stocking Italian wool suits, which retail at €150 for the whole shebang.
Careful now, Penneys. Next thing you know you’ll be stocking €900 coats and turning into *whispers* Dunnes.