1. A Tidy Towns Award commemoration
Sure, it might be 40 years old, but we’re still damn proud of it.
2. An immaculately kept patch of flowers like this
3. A random statue like this
Because #art
4. And an artsy fartsy installation on the road leading out of it
We call this one “Perpetual Motion”.
5. A glamorous “Opened By…” sign like this
6. A second-tier department store like Heatons or Shaws
7. A very modern chain coffee shop that gets everyone fierce excited
What a day for the town!
8. Ethnic food with a decidedly Irish twist
[image alt="https://twitter.com/kildarejoe/status/574172191396331520/photo/1" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_fejn6W8AEn6-d.jpg:large" width="630" height="443" credit-url="https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fkildarejoe%2Fstatus%2F574172191396331520%2Fphoto%2F1" credit-source="Twitter" credit-via="" credit-via-url="" class="alignnone" /end]
9. A spooky abandoned building that was once a big f**king deal around town
For instance, an old cinema or hotel.
10. A phone box that’s never used
11. A street that’s just straight up filled with pubs and nothing else
12. A hotel/sports club that doubles up as a nightclub
For the young people, you know yourself.
13. And finally, a glamorous boutique
For when you’re going to the races or a christening, you know yourself.