IMAGINE BEING ABLE to change the colour of your clothes at will? Last week, an Australian clothing company claimed they were able to do just that.
Jane Liu, founder of online shopping site Showpo, posted a video excitedly showing off their newest creation: A dress that seemingly changes colour at the touch of a button.
Looks pretty cool, right?
The video went viral across social media, and of course the internet’s cynical heart refused to take it at face value.
Is the model just wearing a green screen-dress, with colours added on in post-production? Why are they all screaming like eejits?
And well, they were right – late last night, the company revealed the truth:
Although we haven’t invented the product *yet*, we think we could soon with your help! If you’re a student and study STEM subjects that is!
As it turns out, the whole thing was a setup to promote a technology convention in Australia. Eh, OK.
The people who had been taken in by the video are PISSED:
Did you hear that, Showpo? Reputations are on the line! No more messing, FFS.