IN AN IDEAL world, there would be no such thing as a bad pint of beer. But we live in a cold, cruel world, where things like this are allowed to happen on a daily basis.
1. This ‘Guinness’
2. And this one
3. Whatever this is
We wanted a quiet night at the pub, not an entire foam party. Jeez.
4. Sure this just needs to settle…right? RIGHT?
5. This abomination
6. This flat-as-a-pancake monstrosity
7. SOB
8. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger can’t do one justice
9. Ah Jesus
*crosses self three times*
10. Ah god
11. This pint of Guinness in a Bulmers glass
It just feels wrong. So wrong.
12. And this absolute state of a pour
It’s like a glass of milk.
It’d break your heart, so it would.