“THE SECRET TO a good selfie is definitely lighting,” Kim Kardashian once wrote.
Over the past year, you’ve probably seen celebrities, make-up artists and influencers using LuMee, a phone case with a front-facing light that ensures your selfies are well-lit.
The product has been endorsed by selfie queen Kim Kardashian, who once used it to take a selfie with Hillary Clinton and went so far as to say that Hillary “never looked better”.
The device looks a little something like this.
And they’re still *highly* sought after
Anything to avoid a dim selfie.
LuMee cases cost in the region of €65, which means that they aren’t super cheap
So now Lidl have released a dupe of the LuMee case that costs just €19.99.
The supermarket is releasing cases for Samsung S7E, S6E, S7 and S6, as well as the iPhone 5 and 6.
The phone case is available in stores tomorrow. Expect them to be this year’s selfie stick.