HEARING LOTS OF people talking about the TV show Crazy Ex Girlfriend lately? Listen to them. It’s on Netflix, and each episode is 40 minutes of comedic perfection.
1. First of all, it’s a goddamn musical
The characters burst into song at random moments! Is there anything better than that?
2. But it’s in no way cheesy
The show follows the trials and tribulations of Rebecca Bunch, who quits her fancy New York job and moves to California after reconnecting with her teenage boyfriend, Josh.
Mental illness is a huge theme of the show, and it’s packed with “argh, too real” moments.
3. It’s incredibly self-aware
The name ‘Crazy Ex Girlfriend’ could put people off, sure – but it’s lampooned in the theme song:
She’s the Crazy Ex Girlfriend!
That’s a sexist term…
These clever little touches make the show.
4. And feminist as hell
Right off the bat in the first episode, the Sexy Getting Ready Song contrasts the effort women put into getting ready (waxing, plucking, etc) with what the lads do (nap on the couch). And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The show was also created by two women (Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna), and has a diverse cast and crew. Yas.
5. Rachel Bloom will be your new dream BFF
She always looks like she’s having the BEST time on red carpets (there she is with her Golden Globe). Throw us your plus one, will you Rachel?
6. The songs are just brilliant
Guaranteed you will be humming I Have Friends or Heavy Boobs for the rest of your life.
7. And you’ll want to rewatch it to pick up on all the offhand jokes
Greg <3
8. Basically, get off your arse and meet Rebecca Bunch
You won’t regret it.