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11 memories you'll have if the library was your favourite place as a kid

Having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card!

FACE IT, WITH e-readers and the internet and staffless libraries, going down to get a few books out isn’t how it used to be. But wasn’t it such a simple joy?

1. The excitement of getting your own card

You minded it with your life.

2. Randomly selecting books off the shelf based on their spines

The feeling of betrayal when the book with the eye-catching yellow cover was a bit crap. You tricked me with your flashy colours, book!

3. Carefully considering which books from your stack of potentials would be taken out

This was an important process and was not to be interrupted by impatient parents asking you to get on with it.

4. Wandering over to the Young Adult section and feeling AWFUL BOLD

#1 the book that made me a feminist. I've considered myself a feminist for as long as I can remember so I've always tended to favour books with strong female characters. Jacqueline Wilson was my favourite author when I was a child so I chose her Girls in Love series as they show the hardships teenage girls face and how important it is to have good girl friends #booksforchange #bookchallenge #marchbookchallenge #jacquelinewilson #girlsinlove #bookstagram #booklover #readingaddict #books Source: Instagram/nyctanthes_arbor_tristis

There’s something about kissing in this! Hope mam doesn’t see!

5. Ordering in a book you were excited about

If u like to read, this tip is for u! It's possible to borrow books for FREE at the Dublin public libraries. U can also borrow some films and other stuff. What are u waiting for?! #books #reading #library #Dublin Source: Instagram/everything4apenny

It was coming in all the way from Castlebar, so it was bound to be good.

6. And raging when someone else had already taken out the next book in a series you were reading

Forcing you to go from three to five or – gasp – wait for it to come back in. And what if they didn’t bring it back? It didn’t bear thinking about.

7. The sheer satisfaction of seeing each book being stamped

G17552_121500 Source: Gresswell

That’s yours now. For a whole three weeks!

8. Scanning the card to see how many times it had been checked out before

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Did all those other people love it too?

9. Having to confess to your parents that your books were overdue

library Source: libraryhistorybuff.com

And the bollocking that ensued.

10. And paying your late fine, absolutely mortified

giphy Source: Giphy

The shame! Don’t judge me, lovely library lady!

11. But coming back as soon as you could, because you couldn’t stay away

Like a family pet or a former flame, there will always be a special place in your heart for the first library you loved.

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