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18 things all Irish arts students know to be true


IF YOU’RE STUDYING an arts degree and living in Ireland, you’ll know all too well…

1. Nobody takes it seriously

Oh you’re doing an aaaaaarts degree? And what can you do with that? Your cousin Jamie is doing medicine, now, MEDICINE!

- Your auntie, every family gathering.

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2. Everyone thinks you do this all day


And sometimes you do.

What are you doing?
Studying. For film studies.

3. Choosing your subjects was easy

Whatever had the least contact hours and gave you Friday off was your winner. You definitely chose sociology and English, because hey, you do them every day.

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4. It’s essay after essay after essay

You’re a master in rewording sentences and catering them to your argument.

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5. You’ve been asked about twenty times if you want to be a teacher

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6. You want to be a teacher


Field of dreams.

7. You pretty much live in the arts block

… with your tiny group of friends, despite every arts lecture being bigger than the entire science department.

* Sits at back with usual people*

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8. Your book being recalled is the BIGGEST inconvenience

I was using that as a placemat.

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9. Reading time = time off

Again, reading week must be spent in the arts block liking photos on Instagram and claiming you’re on a break from the library.

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10. A Masters just keeps the party going

You’re not gonna walk into a job so you may as well keep the student discounts for another year.

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11. You only ever see your tutor to panic about your dissertation

or to goad them into supplying you with some fools to do your survey.

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12. Your essay method involves going to Google books, searching a keyword, citing the book and page

Yet you’ve never actually opened the books you spend €300 on.

isbnlinkbck Source: Dartmouth

13. Teaching English abroad was a genuine prospect at one point

Until you realised you could get an office job for more money.

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14. You pretty much need a Macbook Air to fit in

apples Source: Dickjones


15. You have one language listed as fluent on Linkedin, but never use it

You’re proficient, at best, let’s be honest.

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16. The good news is, you’re constantly the first one up for the sesh

LABS DUE TOMORROW? What a dry shite.


17. You begin to regret not studying something more practical

If only briefly.


18. But you don’t regret the craic

Maddest yokes on all of campus. Well, outside of Agri science.

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