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7 important questions answered by At Home with the Healy Raes

The one-off documentary air on Monday night on TV3.

ON MONDAY NIGHT, TV3 will air its one-off documentary At Home with the Healy Raes, in which Midweek’s Ciara Doherty spends a few days with members of the South Kerry political dynasty.

The hour-long show focuses primarily on Michael, however there are also appearances from Jackie, Danny and Johnny and lots of insight into how politics work in South Kerry.

Perhaps most importantly however, these key questions were answered.

How does Michael record his thoughts?

michael end of tape

With a dictaphone, apparently.

After chastising Ciara for being late, Michael asks if he can have a moment to finish what he’s doing.  Of course she says he can, at which point he stands silently for a moment before picking up a dictaphone from his desk and muttering into it ‘End of tape’.

What is Michael’s favourite snack?

easi single

Ciara joins Michael in his house for a quick change before heading out to a busy day of funerals, weddings and dinner dances.

He offers her a snack, before making one for himself.

What is it?  Colmans Mustard squeezed directly from the tube onto an Easi Single.

What does Jackie’s hair look like under his cap?

jackie's hair


Where does Michael get his caps?

At Home With The Healy Raes on TV3. Ciara and Michael buying at hat. Source: TV3

Where does he get them?  He buys them in bulk.  In bulk.

Except the company that he buys them from has closed down.  Sad times.  Ciara takes him to buy a new cap in a fancy shop but he doesn’t want any of that tweed or patchwork nonsense.  Simple things for Michael Healy-Rae.

How is Jackie’s beloved horse Peig?


Jackie Healy-Rae has a horse called Peig who, it would seem, is one of the great loves of his life.  However, he tells Ciara, Peig has had a hard time of it.

She was stolen from the field and missing for days before being found tied to a tree in Ballinasloe.  Sure of course Peig was found, Jackie laughs, ‘The best detectives in Ireland searched for her!’

He’s not joking.

What’s the best way to hold your phone while driving a digger?


Sure you just stick it under your ear protectors and chat away, of course!

Michael’s Honda 50

honda 50

What does Michael Healy Rae do to relax?

Well, other than shooting guns, he is the ‘proud owner of a Honda 50′ which he revs gleefully for the camera with a glint in his eye.

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