Dublin: -1 °C Thursday 2 January, 2025


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RTE's reporters were like drowned rats on the news last night
Stephen Fry joins Panti's supporters by tweeting video to 6.5 million followers
Here's how your life would be different if Facebook didn't exist
Here's what Facebook looked like when it launched this day ten years ago
Bad news, toilet fishing is no longer allowed at the Sochi Olympics
This guy's animal impressions are accurate, amusing, and at times, a little frightening
You will not believe what the highest grossing film in the world was last weekend
9 faces you make while forced to be in the rain
Limerick to get special treatment to ensure disappointed fans get Garth Brooks tickets
Garth Brooks will play a FOURTH date in Croke Park on July 28th
Bruno Mars was joined by the Red Hot Chili Peppers for the Superbowl halftime show
WATCH: The Seinfeld reunion aired on American television last night
Read Sir Ian McKellen's touching Facebook post about Philip Seymour Hoffman
Tweet Sweeper: Keith Duffy is the 'filantrapist' of the year
10 books to read before their film versions are released this year
Miley Cyrus' first ever television appearance was actually really cute
These are some of the most bizarre wedding images in existence
Jesse Eisenberg is going to be Lex Luthor in the new Superman-Batman movie
Liam Neeson's talking action films... and 4 other weekend telly highlights
The Saturday Night Show will host a debate on homophobia this Saturday
11 smells which are meant to be gross but which you actually love
These videos make 2fm's Beat on the Street look like the most fun ever
This airline's new in-flight safety video is a lesson in 80s nostalgia
Millionaire asks partner of 30 years to stay on as housekeeper after replacing her with younger woman
WATCH: Anna Kendrick describes starstruck moment with Beyoncé and adult moment with Katy Perry
16 emotions Garth Brooks fans will experience while trying to buy tickets online tomorrow
That incredible Jean Claude Van Damme ad made a lot of money for Volvo
These men guessing the prices of bras, tampons and fancy hair product are clueless
TV ad promoting safe cycling banned for showing cyclist without a helmet
Irish family make inspiring video for song which helped them through tragedy
The wind and rain has ruined lots of people's weekends
Boy celebrates birthday with terrifying cake replica of himself
If you were a child of the 90s you will love this new ad
This Japanese bra only opens when it senses 'true love'
WATCH: Comedian nails Tim Lovejoy in Sunday Brunch spoof
The characteristics of the Parental Sex Talk
This recreation of Greased Lightning by some Swedish Marines is camp and fabulous
Jonah Hill and Leonardo DiCaprio beautifully recreated a Titanic moment last night
Here's that band everybody's talking about on The Saturday Night Show
7 fan fiction storylines you won't believe actually exist