1. Your timeline is full of people bragging about how glad they are that summer is over and autumn is finally here
Meanwhile you’re still coming to terms with the fact that there won’t be any sun for, oh, months.
2. Suddenly there’s actually things on the telly again
After a summer of complaining about there being sweet f**k all on the television, we’re suddenly treated to new dramas, decent documentaries and our beloved Strictly Come Dancing and Great British Bake Off.
3. We find ourselves asking that very Irish question…
“Who’s on The Late Late Show tonight?”
You know summer is well and truly over when you begin caring about who is on The Late Late Show and Graham Norton.
4. The traffic in the mornings makes you want to murder someone
After a summer of pain-free commutes, you suddenly remember why people give out about the traffic.
5. You find yourself going to Penneys to invest in a brand new scarf
The best part of autumn!
6. Only to find a few weeks later that everyone already had the same idea as you
7. Turning on the heating suddenly doesn’t seem like a crazy idea
Will we turn it on? Just for the thrill?
8. You find yourself getting irrationally excited about the prospect of wearing fluffy socks/pyjamas
Okay, summer is over, but at least I get to be comfy, right?
9. The rain is now that little bit colder
While Ireland was treated to decidedly unpleasant warm rain over the summer months, autumn means a return to that good old-fashioned cold rain we all know and love.
10. And finally… the dreaded search for the winter coat can finally begin
*runs between shops like a blue arsed fly looking for something warm*