BEING A TEENAGER isn’t easy.
Some people seem to just breeze through it. But for the rest of us, there’s The Awkward Phase.
Here are the telltale signs…
1. You had A Look that you were deeply proud of
2. Although looking back, you made some poor decisions
3. In family photos around that time, you’re not hard to spot
4. Other people just seemed to have it all figured out.
5. But you had a hobby that you really loved
6. Which was good, because dating was kind of a big deal for you
7. And you didn't always make great choices
8. It didn't help that you believed your parents were out to get you
9. But hey - there was that one friend who you trusted
10. And at least you always, always had your music.
Hurray for The Awkward Phase!
What was your Awkward Phase! Let us know in the comments...