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Think you're having a bad day? Have a look at our checklist

Done your big toilet only to realise there’s no toilet paper? CHECK.

Image: Flickr/ Omar_Gurnah

SOME DAYS ARE just a pain in the arse.

Everything that can go wrong, does, and by the end of it you feel like someone’s out to get you.

Think you’re having ‘one of those days’?   Have a look at the checklist below.

If you have experienced three or more  of these things then we can certify the fact that you are, indeed, having a terrible no good very bad day (much like those in the featured GIFs).


Either your alarm clock didn’t go off, or you slept right through it.

One way or the other, you woke up in a blind panic and threw on the first clothes you could get your hands on.  They probably have an embarrassing stain on them and at least one item is on inside out.

You didn’t have time to shower so you feel disgusting, and if you are someone who wears makeup you probably have a streak of last night’s black eyeliner down your face.


If you did manage to get out of bed on time, you are definitely having a bad hair day.

Perhaps the hot water went just as you were rinsing the conditioner out of your hair, or your hairdryer broke halfway through your process.  One thing's for sure, you don't look your best.


You either missed your bus or traffic was a nightmare.  Just what you need when you're already running late.

It's also possible that the person who chose to sit next to you on public transport had a horrible smell or wanted to make small talk with you.

You know the type.  They care not that you have your earphones in, or that you have to keep taking them out to respond politely but abruptly.  You're talking to them whether you like it or not.


You're finally at work, but the Hell has only just begun.

You've forgotten something.

Maybe it's something small, like your lunch, or perhaps it's an important meeting.

One way or the other, you are smacking yourself  in the forehead asking yourself 'HOW YOU COULD BE SO BLOODY STUPID!'


Someone is being a jerk.  It could be a member of your family, but it's probably someone in work.

Maybe they're asking you for something unreasonable (GET ME THE DIRECTOR OF TOKYO ON THE PHONE!  Er...Tokyo doesn't have a director, boss... I SAID GET HIM!), or perhaps they're trying to blame you for something they've done wrong.

Either way, they are JERKS.


You've messed up.

There's no excuse for it, you've made a huge mistake and you feel like an idiot.

This is even worse than being blamed for someone else's mistake, because you can't even feel outraged, you're stuck with guilt and stupidity.


You ring your other half to moan about your bad day but they're not in the humour for it and you end up having a petty argument.

Just what you need.


You escape to the toilet mid-afternoon to have a few moments to yourself.

Just as you finish your business you realise there is no toilet paper.

Bloody typical.


You make it through the work day, and are relieved to be on your way home.

You've got two dinner options.  Takeaway or a treat you cook up for yourself.

You decide to cook for yourself and stop at the shop, but as you're cooking up a storm you realise you've forgotten a crucial ingredient...just as the shops close.



Now.  Finally, you're sitting on the couch.

Things are looking up because you've got three episodes of your favourite programme to watch, except...they haven't recorded.

So.  How did you get on?  Are you having a terrible, no good very bad day?

If so, don't forget that tomorrow is a new one.

Hopefully it will be less like this:

And more like this:

Yes, that is a young Jean Claude Van Damme.  You're welcome.

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