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16 utterly Irish tattoos

No, honestly, they’ve really proved their commitment to Ireland.

WHAT’S THE MOST Irish thing you could get tattooed on yourself?

You don’t know? Well, these people do.

1. Westlife

Images: Rate My Ink

2. But before there was Westlife…

There was Boyzone.

Image: Boyzone Music Forums

3. Bray

This tattoo is technically for American sportsman Tyler Bray, but let’s just pretend it’s for the little Wicklow seaside town, alright?

Image: Saturday Down South

4. Civic pride

There’s no sports guy named “Swords, Co. Dublin” though. This is all on Swords.

Image: Irish Poker

5. How do you feel about the FAI?

Strongly enough to get the logo tattoeed on your skin for all of time?

Image: Darwent Tattoo Studio

6. Don’t tell me I’m still on that feckin’ person’s arm

Image: Reddit

7. We have to lose that sax solo

Image: Imgur

8. Ogham

Taking us back to Junior Cert History class. Oh and, er, the Celtic years of course.

Image: Muineach

9. This Irish word means…

“Rage”. Lovely.

Image: Tattoo Magz

10. Sinead O’Connor

Nothing compares to this Sinead O’Connor tattoo. (Sorry.)

11. How many leaves on this lucky clover?

Image: Check Out My Ink

12. Bono

And yet no “Bono is a pox” tattoos.

Image: David Icke

13. U2

Image: Chom

14. A bottle of Guinness…

Image: Lucky Cat Tattoo

15. Or a pint?

Image: Tattoo Joy

16. And, inevitably, the potato

Image: Off The Map Tattoo

Read: Want to see some of the world’s worst tattoos? Of course you do…>

Read:  10 brilliant missed connections from Irish Craigslist>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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