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9 days that SHOULD be a Bank Holiday in Ireland

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WE ALL LOVE a good Bank Holiday here in Ireland.

But we need more. A few suggestions, if we may:

1. Enya’s Birthday

The Queen of Ireland was born on the 17th of May, and we could all spend the day making a pilgrimage to her big castle in Killiney. Maybe a 99 in the car home. Ideal.

PastedImage-21311 Source: Doug Peters, EMPICS

2. The Monday after Electric Picnic

C’mon. It’s shocking and appalling that this hasn’t been enforced yet. It’s a must-have for those attending the Picnic, and would give those who aren’t going a nice three day weekend.


Nobody wants to smell you in the office after a weekend of boozing, sweating, and sleeping in dirt.

PastedImage-17421 Source: Niall Carson, PA

3. The Monday after the All-Ireland football final

The stipulation is that it’s only a bank holiday in the county that takes the title. Double whammy celebrations!

PastedImage-54279 Source: Facebook

4. Toy Show Friday

If we can have a Good Friday, we can have a Toy Show Friday. Why not kick off the sugar buzz from the minute the kids get out of bed? The only reason we never lasted for the whole thing was because of that long stressful day of doing art in school on a Friday. NO MORE.

doll-5-630x309-752x501 Source: RTE player

5. The day after Ireland wins a match

There’s something about Ireland winning a football match, no matter how small, that just makes us go wild. Nobody wants to stroll into work mere hours after hanging out of a lamppost on Camden Street. Let us live.

6. October 3rd

In emmory of this.


7. The first Monday in the year

Because we’re just not arsed, basically.

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8. Literally any day it’s sunny during the months of May – July

Technically, it’s summer, but we all know we ain’t getting a summer in the true sense of the word. Therefore, when the sun does actually decide to come out, we should be able to enjoy it.

We’d be willing to restrict this to each Monday in the Leaving Cert calendar, because we can be sure it’ll be scorching.

9. The day after St Patrick’s Day

Please, if you’re going to sit idly by and let us watch Americans drink pints of green beer, we deserve a bank holiday the day AFTER.

No point giving it to us on the day, we have the piles of puke to deal with on the way to work the next morning. No thanks.

Patrick St #2 Source: Rob Hurson

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