Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 5 March, 2025

Girl could be banned from graduation because of rude science joke

Back that ass up.

A TEENAGER IN the US might not be able to take part in her high school graduation after she made a science-based joke in her yearbook.

The girl has been banned from school activities after contributing this quote:


Translated using the periodic table it reads:


Her school was not amused. WSBTV reports that despite doing everything necessary to graduate, she may not be allowed to take part in her final school celebration.

The principal, school board and the girls’ parents are meeting today to discuss the incident.

Of course, she’s not the first to use science for fun, and she won’t be the last:

666aa6e804384dba8549d3b314da0f5a-this-girl-quotes-biggie-smalls-yearbook-picture-using-science Source: Cvcdn

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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