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A bar in Dublin had a stolen item returned in the post by a sound customer full of regret


IRELAND HAS A long tradition of hungover people anonymously returning money/goods to pubs when they discover that they’ve been a little ~overzealous~ the night before.

It’s definitely sounder than just forgetting it ever happened.

And so it was yesterday when Dublin pub Dakota received a curious package in the post

dakota Source: Dakota Bar

Yes, someone wound up taking a cocktail-making item from behind the bar last weekend, and their friend finally got around to posting it back.

As Dakota tells DailyEdge.ie, nobody even knew it was stolen this past week: 

It’s actually a cocktail muddler that the staff use.
We hadn’t even realised it was missing. But if it does materialise who sent it back, we would love to find them and reward them for their efforts.

It would take a *brave* person to pitch up to receive that “reward”.

How did they get their hands on such a piece of equipment though, given its place behind the bar? That’s still a mystery, but fair play to their friend for doing the right thing in the end – it probably ended up in their gaff.

A cocktail place can’t lose out on too many muddlers.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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