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Barack and Michelle Obama's first date is going to be made into a film

For some reason.

Obama Civil Rights Source: AP/Press Association Images

WOULD YOU LIKE any of your awkward, sweaty-palmed first dates to be made into a film? Probably not, right? But poor Barack and Michelle Obama are getting just that, with a new film set to begin shooting next year.

Deadline reports that the film is titled Southside With You, and will be a drama in the style of Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise.

The film will tell the tale of the afternoon in the summer of 1989 when the future POTUS and FLOTUS went on an “epic first date” that took in the south side of Chicago. Here’s the couple talking about the date:

Source: BarackObamadotcom/YouTube

We already know the site of the Obamas’ first kiss – outside an ice cream parlour in the city’s Hyde Park – as it was commemorated with a plaque in 2012.

Obamas First Kiss Source: AP/Press Association Images

(Yep, this seems weird to us too.)

Actress Tika Sumpter has already been cast as Michelle, but the search is still on to cast the young Barack Obama. Filming is scheduled to begin next July in Chicago.

An…interesting idea? We’ll see how it all works out.

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