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New poll says Obama better than Romney… at dealing with alien invasion

36 per cent of American believe in UFOs – but only 2 per cent would try to harm an alien if they invaded.

We come in peace - but in case we don't, Americans would rather have Barack Obama in charge.
We come in peace - but in case we don't, Americans would rather have Barack Obama in charge.
Image: Rick Bowmer/AP/Press Association Images

AS THE 2012 American presidential election approaches, campaigns have been focussing on the key issues – health, the economy, civil rights, and of course: which candidate would better handle an alien invasion.

A new study from the National Geographic showed 65 per cent of Americans think Barack Obama would be “better suited” to handling an alien invasion than Mitt Romney, USA Today reports.

The poll of over 1,000 people was commissioned for the National Geographic Channel’s series ‘Chasing UFOs’ which premieres tomorrow.

Results from the survey also revealed 36 per cent of Americans believe UFOs exist, and a whopping 70 per cent think the government has kept information about them secret from the public.

55 per cent of people polled said they believe there are real life Men in Black style agents, perhaps also hoping Obama would fall into Will Smith’s role in the event of an invasion.

If aliens did ever land on Earth, however, only 2 per cent of people said they would try to harm them – while a lovely 22 per cent would befriend them.

If Obama and Romney had other things to do that day, 21 per cent would call in the Hulk to smash the extraterrestrials – while 12 per cent would send out the Bat-Signal.

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