BARRY KEOGHAN, better known as the cat killer from Love/Hate, is having a momentous year.
Not only is he due to star in Christopher Nolan’s forthcoming blockbuster Dunkirk, but he’s currently making waves at the Cannes Film Festival with The Killing of a Sacred Deer, a new Irish-produced horror from the director of The Lobster.
The film, which also stars Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman, premiered this morning at the Cannes Film Festival and has received rapturous reviews with Keoghan in particular being singled out for praise.
The Telegraph called Keoghan “petrifyingly opaque” while The Hollywood Reporter cited his “cold composure” and the “chilling effectiveness” of his performance. The Wrap called him “genuinely scary” and Vulture called him “deeply unsettling”.
Indiewire wrote that the film “is Keoghan’s show and he makes the most of it” and The Playlist called him a “revelation”.
But the revelation this time out is definitely Irish actor Keoghan in the film’s most pivotal and complex role. His Martin is both prosaically, banally normal and grandly, ambiguously mystical: a quasi-supernatural entity in sneakers, eating spaghetti.
Talk about doing Dublin 1 proud, eh?
From killing cats to killing it at Cannes…
What a career trajectory.