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BBC News app goes bananas, sends out nonsense Game of Thrones update

They want more nudity, apparently.

THE BRITISH BROADCASTING Corporation is a bastion of quality journalism. It has been a byword for sensible, well-informed reporting more or less ever since its foundation in 1922.

So many users of its app were even more surprised this morning when they received this important breaking news update:

Source: Summer Ray via Twitter

NYPD Twitter campaign ‘backfires’ after hashtag hijacks. Push sucks! Pull blows! BREAKING NEWS No nudity in latest episode of Game of Thrones!!! MORE BREAKING NEWS IIIIII like testing

There was widespread speculation that a hapless intern was about to be ejected from the BBC’s offices.


However, a spokesperson for the BBC told DailyEdge.ie:

We’ve been in the process of testing new functionality for our Apps and a test message was sent in error this morning.  We apologise to our App users who were unnecessarily interrupted with the alert.

The organisation has also tweeted an apology.

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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