Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

17 photos that will make every Irish person say 'f*** right off'

Seriously. Get outta here.

1. This atrocious crime against plates in a Dublin café

2. The actual state of this ‘Irish breakfast’

3. The price of this hot water with added teabag

4. The vessel that this expensive cocktail is served in

5. This genuinely worrying price tag

6. This national shame, aka €30 jar of popcorn. POPCORN.

Source: William Barry via OMGWACA

7. This gross and vicious betrayal of trust

Source: Reddit

Who hurt you Boots? Who?

8. This Daft ad seeking €320 a month, plus bills, for the privilege of sharing a bed in a bedsit in Dublin 8

Source: Daft.ie

Not a room. A BED.

9. This declaration of war against Guinness

10. This rage-inducing monument to consumer stupidity

11. This FORTY THREE EURO BILL for breakfast, coffee and water

Source: Suzanne Sheridan

12. These tea capsules, because teabags just aren’t good enough

Source: Wholesome Ireland

€7.99 on Viking’s Irish site for a pack of 16. That’s 50c a cup.

13. This special offer

Where’s Marco Pierre White when you need him eh?

14. This €7 bag of onions. Fucking ONIONS.

I’ll tell you what I’m crying at son. THE PRICE TAG THAT’S WHAT.

15. This perversion of everything that is good and true about crisps

16. This redefinition of the term “wrong ‘un”

Yes, that’s Guinness poured on top of blue WKD. Yes, someone voluntarily drank it.

17. And the things that have been done to this breakfast roll


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More: 26 things you’ll only find funny if you’re Irish>

More: 13 hardest things about being an Irish woman>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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