LADIES, WOULD YOU let your boyfriend do your make-up?
And, gentlemen, would you accept the challenge?
If not, then you know how tricky the business of applying your make-up correctly is. It’s a lot more difficult and noticeable than people might first assume. Relationships aside, make-up can be a major hurdle for a lot of people out there.
Here are some people who fell at that hurdle.
You’ve looked better, love
We all know and love vlogger Jenna Marbles. Here, she gets her usually attractive fizzog trashed by her boyfriend.
Dude looks like a lady
Steve Tyler. Just stop whatever it is you’re doing. That eye-shadow is not your pal.
Image: Hollywood Headaches
Fanta, anyone?
These lads have got the sun-kissed look down to an art.
Image: Smosh
You’ve got something on your face, Nicole. No, it’s not gone. Actually… Never mind.
Image: The Berry
You missed a spot, big guy.
Image: NSMBL
Are you…
Happy? Angry? Sad? Confused? We don’t know what message these eyebrows are trying to communicate to us. We just know we don’t like it.
Image: Oddee
Okay, so these guys were awful at it, but what about you? If you think you’ve got what it takes in the cosmetics stakes, then you’ll be intersted in this week’s You Generation competition. The global, virtual talent competition is searching for talented make-up artists – and entries are close tomorrow, so get your slap out.