IF A MASSIVE bee hive was found on your bike, you’d probably be more than happy if someone got rid of it.
But the residents of one Reading town street aren’t so happy with the needless killing.
According to getreading.co.uk, a mystery exterminator in a white suit killed some 40,000 bees that had set up camp on a bike.
People are in mourning, leaving a little tribute to the lost souls.
Candles, a pot of honey, and flowers have been left at the site
Perhaps a little more hopeful, someone put up a missing sign on a nearby signpost
Jon Davey, chairman of the Reading and District Beekeepers Association told getreaading.co.uk that they assume someone who lived nearby called an exterminator, but they had nothing to do with it:
A colleague notified us that someone was spraying white stuff but we don’t know who and we still don’t.
RIP bees.
ht Metro.co.uk