SOPHIE KAY IS a personal trainer based in London.
She’s currently going viral on Tumblr, after posting these two pictures of herself to show how easily ‘fitspo’ selfies can be manipulated.
Before and after:
How long between them? Three minutes.
Kay wrote:
All I did in the 3 minutes between the two photos was to turn off the overhead light, put on underwear that fit better, twist my body slightly to the side to show off my best angle, flex and, of course, add a filter. So don’t pay much attention to those ‘before and after’ shots!
And the truth-telling didn’t stop there. Six packs?
Having a six-pack just means that your body fat percentage is low enough to be able to see your abs. Also, the shape of your abs is totally dependent on your genetics, some people can get a six-pack, some can’t.
Also, her favourite food is pizza and she finds exercise difficult (but rewarding). In essence, she is the personal trainer of your dreams.
Since the post first began to go viral, Kay has been taking flak on social media over her appearance.
This was her response: