ON SUNDAY, PRESIDENT Michael D Higgins and Bernie Sanders met in the Áras and it was a joyous coming together of two beloved politicians.
Look at the pair of them there.
But the iconic meeting hadn’t really made waves Stateside until late last night.
When Bernie tweeted out this picture of himself, his wife Jane and our President to his 6.5 million followers
And let everyone know that the two of them are very close on all the important issues
In fairness to many of his followers, they had never seen Michael D before – and they only had one observation:
They could be twins
And that Michael D is essentially a miniature version of their cherished Bernie
They’re a well-known double act
A more adorable pair of senior politicians you’re unlikely to meet
As this was the first time they had come across Michael D or the Irish Presidency online, people were delighted by the @PresidentIRL handle.
Abbreviation for “In Real Life.” Often used in internet chat rooms to let people you are talking about something in the real world and not in the internet world. Also can be used to differentiate between an actor/actress and the character they play.
That’s our President, on Twitter, in real life.
America, we’re glad to introduce you to Michael D alongside Bernie
Surely this is just the beginning of a lovely friendship
^just imagine Michael D standing at the opposite end of the room, pointing back and smiling.