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13 amazing celebrity appearances on Sesame Street

From early Destiny’s Child to a Shakespearean soliloquy from Patrick Stewart, they’ve truly covered all the bases.

JON HAMM HAS become the latest celebrity to make an appearance on Sesame Street, and a fine performance is was too.


He’s in good company, as a veritable who’s who of the last fifty years of celebrity have found their way to the best street in New York City, to have the craic with Big Bird and Elmo.

Here are some of our favourite celebrity moments on Sesame Street.

Destiny’s Child walking with Elmo, Grover and Zoe

Beyoncé’s lip syncing has come a long way.


Seth Rogen is embarrassed

He’s also very sweet.


Feist 1,2,3,4

Feist’s song is perfect for the guys on the street.


Danny DeVito takes on Oscar the Grouch

They’re kind of a match made in heaven.


Liam Neeson counts with the Count

This is worth watching just to appreciate the Count’s ‘AH AH AH’.


Patrick Stewart’s Shakespearean soligoquy on the letter B

A magnificent performance.


Neil Patrick Harris as the shoe fairy

This is just an exciting performance frankly.


Ricky Gervais sings a celebrity lullaby

He manages to strike the balance of what’s funny for kids and what’s funny for adults perfectly.


Christopher Reeve teaches a valuable lesson about disability

A good one to watch with your kids if you have them.


Robert DeNiro teaches Elmo about acting

He’s just so…well, so Robert DeNiro.


Tina Fey is a Bookaneer

She looks slightly manic behind the eyes, but gives it all she’s got nonetheless.


Kofi Annan solves some conflict on the street

Yes, that’s right, Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations.


Queen Latifah raps about the letter O

Worth it for the old skool fashion on display.


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