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11 times dads proved they're the best at texting

Texting is the medium in which dads truly shine.

THERE’S NOTHING like a text from your dad to brighten up your day. You never quite know what to expect – a picture of the dog, perhaps? An update on a news story he’s interested in? It could be anything.

Here’s definitive proof that dads are the best at texting.

They’re still getting to grips with how selfies work

They’re always on hand with pictures of wildlife, just when you’re least expecting them

They’re not above winding you up

In fact, they embrace it.

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CVhRr Source: Imgur

They make an effort to get down with the kids

tumblr_n1bgene74w1runaefo1_1280 Source: Tumblr/radicalravenclaw

But they still like to keep it formal

And nowhere is safe from the trademark jokes

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what's app Source: DailyEdge.ie

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