THERE IS SOMETHING strangely hypnotic about informercials and infomercial-style ads. You can be sitting watching TV, minding your own business, and then suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to do something you’ve never even thought of.
Whether it’s removing the dead skin from your feet, or chopping 20 potatoes in ‘just one minute’, the power of the infomercial is clear. Most of the time.
Other times, they’re completely ridiculous and therefore highly entertaining. One way or the other, they’ve certainly got something.
Here are 12 of our favourites.
The Point n Paint
We challenge you to watch this and not experience an overwhelming desire to paint a wall.
Hawaii Chair
Americans are the kings of infomercials, so obviously they feature heavily in this list.
The Hawaii Chair hasn’t really taken off here – we can’t imagine why not. It doesn’t look like it would be distracting at all!
Comfort Wipe
‘The first improvement to toilet paper as we know it since the 1880s’, apparently.
You may think this ad is too ridiculous to believe, but we assure you it’s real.
YouTube/Doug Moxley
Magic Bullet
Chopping things quickly is one of the main things informercial products hope to achieve. The magic bullet chops AND mixes.
Great Looking Hair
This one’s a flashback to the 90s, which means we get to look at an incredible hairstyle around the :50 mark.
Don’t worry guys, Great Looking Hair is still available.
Slap Chop (microphone)
Vince the Slap Chop guy is really very excited. The Slap Chop is going to change your life, dry your tears and save the US from obesity apparently.
We love Vince for his Janet Jackson style microphone and seeming obliviousness to all the double entendres he’s coming out with.
Vince truly believes the slap chop is going to change your life.
Tiddy Bear
There is really very little we need to say here. This one sells itself.
The Nicer Dicer
Not only does the nicer dicer give you the opportunity to chop things quickly, it will actually give you the opportunity to ”Be a hero at your next party!’
Do you have a smelly ass? Well Aspray is the solution!
To be honest, we reckon if you have a smelly ass you need a shower and to start using wet wipes, but who are we to argue with an informercial?
Shake Weight
The Shake Weight has been laughed at a lot. We’ll let you figure out why on your own.
Better Marriage Blanket
Are your partner’s ‘flatulence molecules’ ruining your sleep?
Good news, this blanket uses the ‘same type of fabric used by the military to protect against chemical weapons’ to counteract their scent.