Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Just 8 of the most legendary Irish news bloopers

It features a lot of Aengus Mac Grianna.

LIVE TV IS never easy. It tends to fall under Murphy’s Law of ‘anything that can go wrong will go wrong’. At least that’s how it played out for BBC Breakfast’s Mike Bushnell who found himself falling into a pool mid broadcast earlier on this morning.

He saved that microphone like a true pro though.

In honour of his efforts here are 8 of the best bloopers from live TV.

1. When Sharon Ni Bheolain appeared to be gunning for Ray Kennedy’s job.

Source: Finian Murray/YouTube

‘Your job is ok this time’. Spooky Sharon.

2. When Aengus was struggling with Malala’s name

Source: Rachael Coen/YouTube

A masterclass in pronunciation.

3. When the RTÉ reporter just appeared as if by magic

Source: ROBYN RADIO/YouTube

She looks incredibly frazzled and unsure of her surroundings like a Dad trapped in Penneys.

4. When Sharon Ní Bheoláin was just done.

Source: QUICK SCOPER/YouTube

The mighty Sharon does not have time for your Peacock Theatre.

5. Aengus Mac Grianna’s famous ‘WHAT’

Source: Mason J/YouTube

This entire compilation of his bloopers is worth watching to be honest.

Source: IrelandMemes/YouTube

6. When Sharon gave us her best fish impression.

Source: mrsuperhero/YouTube

As some would say, a fine pout.

7. When Aengus Mac Grianna decided that he was now a sports presenter.

Source: RDinHD/YouTube

Steady there Aengus.

8. When he did get to do the sports news, he did struggle a little.

Source: GoldieHawn88/YouTube

We miss you Aengus.

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About the author:

Rachel O'Neill

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