IT’S JOHN CUSACK’S birthday, everyone!
And to celebrate, we’re bringing you our favourites from the many characters he’s portrayed through the years – and a chance to see which one of them you’re most like.
Happy Birthday, John-o.
The romantic
Would you stand outside our house in the pouring rain blaring Peter Gabriel? Then you might be Llyod Dobler from classic 80s movie Say Anything.
“I want to touch the light and heat I see in your eyes.” Tune.
YouTube/Ines Fonseca
The dark horse
Are you a suave, love-started hired assassin by any chance? And do you occasionally endearingly hold babies?
Then you’re Martin Q. Blank from Grosse Pointe Blank. Don’t hurt us, now.
The hipster
Do people ever accuse you of being uptight? Or a music obsessive? Or maybe even a bit of a snob?
You’re Rob Gordon from High Fidelity. And we apologise in advance for not knowing the exact track-listing of the movie’s soundtrack before writing this.
YouTube/Dillon Robinson
The good guy
It’s been a long working week, but you love nothing more when you get home than master-minding the transport of criminally insane convicts across the country. Right?
Well then you’re most like Vince Larkin, the US Marshall from Con Air.
The artist
Are you pretty intense? A bit too into your craft? Then you’re most like the dweeby puppeteer from Being John Malkovich, Craig Schwartz.
Do the Dance of Despair and Disillusionment for us there!
What John Cusack characters do you love or identify with the most? Let us know in the comments.