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7 genuinely deadly newsletters that will make your inbox a nicer place

Get your subscription fingers ready.

1. The Ann Friedman Weekly


Ann Friedman is a journalist and the co-host of the delightful podcast Call Your Girlfriend. Each week, she sends an e-mail digest made up things she has written, read, and listened to/looked at. Think of it as your coolest friend sending you a reading list every week.

Subscribe here.

2. The Dolly Mail

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The Dolly Mail is a newsletter by British journalist Dolly Alderton. Each installment features a personal essay, a guest contribution, a reading list, a playlist, and, most delightfully, Alderton’s recommendations in beauty, clothes, homewares and more. It’s like a really smart women’s magazine all condensed into one e-mail. Wunderbar.

Subscribe here. 

3. That’s What She Said!

Anne T. Donahue is an internet treasure and if you haven’t yet subscribed to her whip smart newsletter That’s What She Said, you’re doing it wrong. Each issue features Donahue dispensing pearls of wisdom on, well, life in general. She tackles everything from anxiety to burnout with humour and candour.

Subscribe here. 

4. NYT Cooking

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a novice cook, you must subscribe to NYT Cooking. Not only will it inspire you to push yourself in the kitchen, it’s just a really lovely read. *swoon*

Subscribe here.

5. The Sunday Long Read

unnamed Source: The Sunday Long Read

We’re living in the Golden Age of the #Longread. Our timelines are clogged with links to worthy articles. “If you read one thing today, make it this.” Sometimes it can all get a bit overwhelming and hard to keep up with. That’s where The Sunday Long Read comes in.

This curated digest compiles the best 20 or so articles of the week into a handy list and offers a few lines on what makes them exceptional. A great mix of hard news, human interest stories and quirky features from the world’s leading publications.

Subscribe here.

6. Lenny

lenny Source: Lenny Letter

Lena Dunham’s newsletter Lenny remains one of the best in the business. The newsletter features op-eds from big names, personal essays and more. Sure it might be a little long, but it’s worth persisting with. We promise.

Subscribe here.

7. The Skin Nerd

If you’re mad into skincare, you’re going to want to subscribe to The Skin Nerd’s (AKA Jennifer Rock) newsletter. Your skin will look radiant just from reading it.

Subscribe here.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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