1. Roughly 90% of the Meath population had their first kiss in the Brownstown
When it comes to important firsts, especially kissing, there was only one place that would accommodate – the function room of Ratoath GAA club, otherwise known as Brownstown disco.
Under the dim multicoloured lights reflecting on the walls of this tiny room blasting Timbaland, many a Meath child had their first kiss from someone tasting of Tayto and Cadet orange.
2. On the topic of underage discos, everyone wore a certain outfit to Buxx
Meath people born in a certain year will remember the dress code of this certain junior night entailing girls wearing black crop tops, running shorts and fluorescent legwarmers. STYLIN’.
3. Fidelma’s café in Dunshaughlin is the only place to eat a fried breakfast when you’re hanging out of your arse
It has a borderline international reputation for making the biggest fried breakfasts known to man.
The tiny café is always packed to the gills every Saturday and Sunday morning, full of groggy, technically still over the alcohol limit party-goers and drinkers.
Just LOOK at those buckets of chips. *drool*
4. Going to the sticky floor-tex every weekend was a birth right
The Vortex, The Snoretex, The Sticky Floor-tex, Vex… Call it what you will, this nightclub in Dunshaughlin is responsible for most of Meath’s respectable couples today.
Even people as far as Blanchardstown and Castleknock couldn’t resist the delights of this club.
Or the inevitable fights in the carpark.
5. People outside the pale accusing you of being a Dub
“When are you going back to Dublin?”
“I’m actually from Meath”
“Yeah, same thing”
6. Navan Shopping Centre was the hub of all social activity
Penneys, New Look, The Diamond Cinema, Easons, Tesco and of course Jesters play centre if the kids won’t stop whinging.
What more could you want?
7. Everyone hates Kells for no apparent reason
What did Kells ever do to anyone?
8. The contempt we have for Dublin when it comes to GAA is… unreasonable
When it comes to a Leinster final featuring the Dubs and Meath, you do NOT wanna mess around. Meath fans are always out for blood.
9. No one truly appreciates how gorgeous the place is
Many sites in Meath are quite the tourist attraction but are regularly ignored.
Meath has Trim Castle, the Hill of Tara, Dalgan Park and Newgrange to offer those who haven’t visited our fair green county.
10. The Supermac’s in Navan staying open late after the club is a GODSEND
The massive feed you go for in Supermacs after a night out in Navan is often the best part of the night.