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Here's why it's a good thing you didn't win the Euromillions

No really. You’ll feel much better about it once you’ve read this.

LAST NIGHT AN Irish person won €93 million in the EuroMillions lottery.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow.  That could have been you!

You could be at home celebrating today, planning a life filled with champagne and caviar!

It’s true, you could.  However, after the initial buzz the reality of winning the lottery is not always rosy.  In fact, we put it to you that you’re better off.

It’s a good thing you didn’t win the Euromillions, and here is the proof.

You’re still of no interest to conmen

Conmen love people who are minted.  You’re not minted, so you’re grand!

Mail Online

You won’t blow it all and live a life of regret

Imagine winning the lottery and then messing it all up!  Imagine!  Could you live with yourself?

Daily Mail

You probably can’t afford to ruin yourself with bad plastic surgery

So you’ll grow old gracefully, and people won’t discuss your ruination on the internet.

Tammie Arroyo/AFF/EMPICS Entertainment

You probably don’t have to worry about the Mafia coming knocking


Your carbon emissions will be significantly more responsible

All that travelling around the world from party to party would be really bad for the environment, you know.

Yes, it looks nice, but is it environmentally conscious? David Parry/PA Archive/Press Association Images

No one will ever call you ‘Lotto lout’

Really this reason should be sufficient.

Mail Online


Mail Online

You won’t have to deal with begging letters

Seriously.  You’d feel like Santa, but in a really bad way.

Kelly Ann Carroll

Now a lottery win can’t destroy your marriage

You’ll have to do that yourself. (Bah dum, tish!)

Mail Online

You’re unlikely to wear an excessive amount of jewelry

That much gold is just not right on an Irish person.

Andrew Parsons/PA Archive/Press Association Images

There’s no chance of you blowing a fortune on drugs

A fortune?  What fortune?

Mail Online

You haven’t died of the shock

It’s possible, you know.


So go forth and enjoy your normal life, safe in the knowledge that everything is just as it was.  There’s a lot to be said for a routine, you know.

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