Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Beyoncé just won Halloween, again

Praise Beysus.

IT IS A well-known fact that Beyoncé is queen of all things. If you did not know that, you do now.

Bey went along to singer Ciara’s 30th party yesterday and wore the best costume known to man.

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storm-feat-630x420 Source: Comicsalliance

Eat it, Halle

People had been waiting for this moment their whole lives.

Mock-ups of Beyoncé have been all over the internet since forever.

x 4 beyonce storm power up by darkthunderbirdfury Source: deviantART

tumblr_mhvxreZQbk1s22vd0o1_500 Source: Tumblr

f28f96159ce27274b5dc7cd7710a007c Source: scottblairart via Pinterest

It finally happened y’all.

Let us remind ourselves that Beyoncé constantly slays Halloween, so keep the suggestions coming in and she might just listen.

Beyoncé just trolled the entire world with a ‘big announcement’>

The #BeyoncéAlwaysOnBeat meme is taking over the internet and it’s brilliant>

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