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Beyoncifying your ex is the genius new way to cope with break-ups

To the left, to the left.

YOU KNOW THAT awkward thing where you break up with somebody and there’s a massive photo trail left behind? A Tumblr user named Cassandra has come up with a genius way to remedy this.

Introducing Beyoncify My Boyfriend.

It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Cassandra takes old photos of herself with her ex-boyfriend in happier days and replaces him with Beyoncé.

beyocne1 Source: beyoncofymyboyfriend/Tumblr

Smoochin’ Bey,

beyonce2 Source: beyoncifymyboyfriend/Tumblr

Hiking with Bey.

beyonce3 Source: beyoncifymyboyfriend/Tumblr

Christmas with Bey.

beyonce4 Source: beyoncifymyboyfriend/Tumblr

Lesson for the fellas? Don’t you ever get to thinking you’re irreplaceable, because Beyoncé can replace you like that.

tumblr_mnlbgtMZPy1s6nynxo2_500 Source: beyomceknowlesgifs/Tumblr

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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