FOR SOME THE most important development in last night’s US presidential debate was not the game-changing performance of Mitt Romney but his apparent threat to the future of Big Bird.
Yes the Sesame Street character came under fire last night from the Republican nominee who wants to cut the subsidy to the American public service broadcaster PBS.
YouTube: WSJDigitalNetwork
I’m going to stop the subsidy to PBS. I’m going to stop other things. I like PBS. I love Big Bird.
Stop other things? Does this mean the Cookie Monster is under threat too? What about Elmo?
Well one thing is for certain, though Romney professed his love for Big Bird that didn’t stop the internet exploding with anger at the threat the giant yellow bird may face if the Romney administration cuts the subsidy which no doubt keeps him in, er, bird feed.
Here’s what Twitter said:
The Bird himself was not happy and quickly joined Twitter to express anger at the threat he now faces.
Within minutes of Romney’s remarks, @FiredBigBird had gained thousands of followers and was letting the world know how he felt:
Mitt Romney will end Burt and Ernie’s right to a civil union.
This whole election just got real.
For Obama the next debate’s main line of attack is clear: Save Big Bird.