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Catholic League warns of gay masturbation and stripping at NY Paddy's Day Parade

Ah here.

Protesters at last year's St Patrick's Day Parade in New York.
Protesters at last year's St Patrick's Day Parade in New York.
Image: AP/Press Association Images

BILL DONOHUE IS concerned about what might happen at next year’s St Patrick’s Day Parade in New York.

He’s concerned you guys.

Donohue, the president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, is warning that there could be masturbation, there could be people taking their trousers off in the street, there could be all out gay carnage.

He’s reacting to this week’s news  that at least one LGBT group will be represented in the 2015 parade; a group of employees from NBC. The parade has been the subject of ridicule in recent years for it’s continuing ban on allowing gay people to march.

Donohue’s concerns are threefold:

1. Will ‘the gays behave’ in general?

2. Will they be able to keep their clothes on?

3. Will there be masturbation in the street?

Speaking to Sirius radio in the US Donohue gave a number of rationales for his worries about the parade.

Gays have been known to take off their clothes when they march.They can’t keep their pants on sometimes when they march in the gay pride parade.
You guys have masturbated in the streets. I have pictures of what went on in the Stonewall 1994 [gay pride] parade that you couldn’t put on CNN or publish in the New York Times.

Ahem, we’re going to need to see this alleged racy picture collection Mr Donohue.

International Dyke March Two women embrace and kiss at the head of the International Dyke March along New York'’s Fifth Avenue on Saturday, June 25, 1994. In what was billed as the largest such gathering in history at the time, thousands of lesbians marched as part of a week-long series of activities leading up to the Stonewall 25 gay rights march and rally for gay rights. Source: AP/Press Association Images

Sirius host Mike Signorile was having trouble understanding Donohue’s concerns, pointing out that “straight people do naked things” and also that straight people can often find it difficult to ‘behave’ on St Patrick’s Day.

The St Patrick’s Day Parade is the most unruly parade in New York City.

Man’s got a point.

Let’s bear in mind too that the average temperature in New York on March 17th is around 9°c. Probably best if EVERYONE keeps their pants on.

Gay group to march in New York St Patrick’s Day parade for the first time>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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