THIS FOOTAGE HAS surfaced of a raven, with porcupine quills stuck in its flesh, apparently asking a human for help extracting them.
The raven perched near the home of Gertie Cleary in Elmsdale, Nova Scotia and squawked until she paid attention:
A wild raven perched himself on our fence and squawked for over an hour. I went to see what was up with him and saw that he had four porcupine quills stuck in him, three in the side of his face and one in his wing.
When she approached the raven presented its head, allowing her to pull out the barbs – though clearly in distress. Cleary told CTV News:
It reminded me of a child with a splinter and when you pull a splinter out, they holler and screech and pull their hand away.
She then carried the raven to a house, and gave it food and water before it flew away.
Porcupines can release their barbed quills when they feel threatened, lodging them in the flesh of other animals.
h/t Gawker