SELFIE STICKS HAVE been banned by authorities in South Korea. While this is a perfectly reasonable move, this lot are slightly more bizarre.
1. Time travelling
If you’ve found out how to do it, don’t even THINK about it in China. Censors feared people would get ideas watching the likes of Back to the Future so banned all media in which time travel was shown. They claimed:
Many stories are totally made up and are made to strain for an effect of novelty. The producers and writers are treating serious history in a frivolous way, which should by no means be encouraged any longer.
Lucky sods didn’t have to sit through Lost, so.
2. Kinder Eggs
Well, eggs with a little toy in them. The United States banned any sale of the eggs as they’re potentially a choking hazard due to the ‘non-nutritive component’. But don’t mourn joy just yet, the ban has been semi-lifted by styling a new toy-containing egg. It’s NOT THE SAME though.
3. Slapping people with a 5ft conger eel
Dorset, England has just ruined your weekend plans. Please consider that you can no longer slap your fellow man with an eel in this area. ‘Doing the conger’ was apparently a big thing in the region, and involved hitting people off a platform using the dead fish and a mighty swing. It was eventually banned after animal rights groups complained.
4. Being emo
Go through a teen emo phase? Russian youths won’t have that opportunity after a piece of legislation was put in place to restrict the trend they brand as ‘dangerous’ and with a ‘negative ideology’. They hope to have the restriction fully implemented by 2020–a dark year indeed.
5. Reincarnation
Planning on rising from the dead without letting the government know? THINK AGAIN. A 2007 Chinese law strictly forbids Buddhist monks from reincarnating before they’ve alert the relevant authorities. Only fair.
6. Spiky hair
Yep, Iran have banned men from having spikes in their hair, or ponytails as they’re deemed rebellious. No word on frosted tips though.
7. Claire Danes
Spare a thought for the citizens of Manila, who have to live a life without any possible sightings of Danes’ cry-face. The actress said the city was ‘ghastly’, ‘weird’ and ‘smelled of cockroaches’. She was banned from entering the country again… and rightly so–RUDE. All her movies have also been removed from sale.
8. Dying
Falciano del Massico in Italy wants you to take your death elsewhere. They’ve ran out of places to bury their dead so you’re welcome to die once you do it some place else. Mayor Giulio Cesare Fava had this to say:
It is forbidden, with immediate effect, to all citizens resident in the municipality of Falciano del Massico, and to whoever passes by its territory, to cross the border of earthly life and to enter the afterlife.
But what’s the punishment though?
9. Marmite
It was probably causing too many arguments, being so divisive and all. Denmark removed the spread from shops as they had not gained approval to sell the fortified spread–a process which is required by law in the country. A new phrase must now be coined. You’re like Marmite mate… banned.