TWO OF THE best pastimes as a kid were:
1) Pretending the floor was lava
2) Building forts
Who says you need to give these things up once you fly the nest and head off into the big bad world of college?
That’s the philosophy behind Dublin City University’s Fort Society, formed with the aim of “providing the students of DCU with materials, manpower and ideas needed to build your own household forts”.
The society holds fortnightly fort days on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. Check out some of the inspiring work so far:
A 3 storey masterpiece
Ian Coyne, Stephanie Bellew, Chloe Maguire and Stephanie Stewart (DCU Fort Soc)
This stunner with a fire exit
Ellen Lally/V161 (DCU Fort Soc)
This sophisticated number
Louise Cooney (DCU Fort Soc)
Abiding by the rules
Lindsay Butler/Hannah Dobson (DCU Fort Soc)
That last one displays several of the strict rules of the DCU Fort Soc:
1) NO GIRLS….ALOUD (music)
2) No Shoes
3) No Phones
4) No Cursing
5) No Forting
6) No use of the word “YOLO”.
7) No use of that God awful Geordie shore nose hand gesture. (This will lead to not only excommunication but everyone will now you’re an absolute arse as well. It’s just a no no!)
8) There’s always room for one more person
9) Any one heard bad mouthing Forts is excommunicated from the soc and will not be allowed back in. No exceptions!
GET BUILDING! And may the forts be with you.