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Little girl makes "bucket list" of things to see before she goes blind, Internet helps out

Little Molly Bent from Manchester was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease last December.

A SIX-YEAR-OLD girl with a degenerative eye disease has compiled a ‘bucket list’ of things she wants to see before she goes blind – and the internet is helping her get there.

Last December, Molly Bent from Manchester was diagnosed with a retinitis pigmentosa, which causes ‘patches’ on the retina that will slowly leave her blind. There is no cure for the disease.

Her parents Eve and Chris Bent say they don’t know when Molly will go blind, but her sight has deteriorated substantially over the past few months.

They told the Telegraph that she no longer has peripheral vision, and far-off people look like “fuzzy teddy bears” to her.

Determined to do as much as possible before her sight goes completely, Molly has compiled a wish list of things she’d like to see – including Disneyland, London, Buckingham Palace and Australia.

In January, her parents set up a fundraising page, Making Molly’s Memories, to help her achieve these dreams. Since her story came to light over the weekend, donations have reached a staggering £42,505.

Eve wrote yesterday:

Words cannot begin to describe how amazed and grateful we are by all the wonderful donations and offers of help.
What started off as some small local fundraising to help our baby girl has become news across the globe and we are so thankful and indebted to you for your support. Every penny helps to get our little girl closer to seeing her dreams and taking her to places we never dreamed we would be able to get to.

Here’s Molly’s list in full:

  • Disney
  • London
  • See the Queen’s palace
  • Natural History Museum
  • Blackpool
  • Scotland
  • Aquarium
  • Safari park
  • Legoland
  • Beach
  • Museums
  • Theatre trips
  • Concerts
  • Australia
  • Football match

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