Dublin: 1 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

Meet the world's ugliest animal... the blobfish

He’s no oil painting.

Source: Imgur

THIS IS A blobfish.

It has been officially crowned the World’s Ugliest Animal, following a competition held by the Ugly Animal Preservation Society. Thousands of people voted before the results were announced last night.

The Ugly Animal Preservation Society is an enterprise set up by biologist Simon Watt and dedicated to using comedy as a means of, according to its website:

raising the profile of some of Mother Nature’s more aesthetically challenged children. The panda gets too much attention.

Here are some of the other animals that were in competition:

Source: Wikipedia

Greater short-horned lizard Source: YouTube

Pipistrellus pipistrellus lateral.jpg British bat Source: Wikipedia

Strigops habroptilus 1.jpg Kakapo Source: Wikipedia

File:Flightless Dung Beetle Circellium Bachuss, Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.JPG Flightless dung beetle Source: Wikipedia

C insculpta.jpg Pig-nosed turtle Source: Wikipedia


Dromedary jumping slug Source: YouTube

'Scrotum frog' Source: YouTube


European eel Source: YouTube

Ambystoma mexicanum 1.jpg Axolotl Source: Wikipedia


And here’s the official announcement:

Source: NSEC UK

Having a crappy day? Come here and look at these red pandas>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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