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A man with a Henry the Hoover tattoo on his crotch says it's ruining his love life

You don’t say. (Images are NSFW. Not safe for life, either.)

YOU THINK YOU know bad tattoos? You have no idea.

Lewis Flint from Grimsby in the UK has a tattoo of Henry the Hoover right on his crotch, with a plug coiling around to his bum. Oh dear.

henry Source: Channel 4

Flint got the tattoo when he was 16, and according to the Metro he was pretty happy with it at the time:

…I couldn’t stop getting it out, I got loads of attention and I was a bit of a local hero. I loved it.

Now 21, he doesn’t find it so funny. In the latest episode of Channel 4′s Bodyshockers (airing this evening), he tells host Katie Piper that these days, Henry is scaring away the ladies.

“I was with a girl recently and I liked her, things were going well until we got naked. When she saw it she said ‘What’s that? I’m off!’ I was gutted,” he said.

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“I never thought I would regret my tattoo when I got it done.”

Flint has decided to get rid of Henry once and for all with laser surgery, as the tattoo is affecting his confidence with women.

When I think about that night the girl walked out it does haunt me and puts me off showing it to other women in the future. I know laser removal is painful but never getting laid again would be more painful.

Does he go through with it? We’ll have to watch Bodyshockers on Channel 4 at 10pm to find out. The things we do for the ride…

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