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9 reasons why Bono is the embarrassing dad of Ireland

Morto for all of us.

THE NATION OF Ireland has an embarrassing dad. And that dad’s name is Bono.

Here is the proof.

1. Ireland, meet your dad.

Source: Michael Sohn

2. He likes to think he’s pretty ‘streetwise’.

Source: AP/Press Association Images

3. But whenever someone gets a camera out, he pulls an embarrassing pose.

Source: AP/Press Association Images

4. He dances badly.

Source: Sven Hoogerhuis/AFF/EMPICS Entertainment

5. And doesn’t know when to stop when people aren’t impressed.

Source: AP/Press Association Images

6. He owns several dodgy leather jackets.

Source: Empics Entertainment

None of which quite fit him properly.

7. He’s mortifying when he has a drink.

Source: tonyhawk

8. He’s still holding on to his clothes from decades past.

Source: Photocall Ireland

9. And he sometimes wears his dressing gown when your mates come round.

Source: Gareth Chaney/Photocall Ireland!

Here’s to Bono! Ireland’s embarrassing dad.

As with all embarrassing dads, we’d be sorry if he wasn’t there to laugh at.

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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