EVERY IRISH WOMAN has about six or seven of these in their bag at any given time.
Yes, the Boots No7 vouchers that are almost guaranteed after every purchase. I just found this one from January 2017 in my purse.
Why do we keep them? Who knows. Do No7 do some decent products? Yes. So why don’t we ever spend them?
Who among us has the time to be keeping track of the expiry dates on those crafty little things. Usually you get a serum voucher just after you’ve bought a serum in a different Boots brand.
This week, Boots released a really lovely ad targeting Irish women. Sums us up to a tee, I think you’ll agree.
So that got us thinking. If any of you out there actually never experienced this phenomenon of hoarding these vouchers until they’re invalid, you’re possibly one your own.
Tell us – Have you ever actually spent one of those No7 vouchers you get in Boots?