PANCAKE TUESDAY USED to be one of the most anticipated days of the year as a child.
The countdown in school was on until that bell would go off and you’d be on your way home to pancakes for dinner. The next day would be spent discussing how many you managed to put down your gut until you felt like vomiting.
Better times. But you don’t have to lose any of the magic now that you’re technically an adult and have to make your own pancakes. Here are some simple ideas to booze up your pancakes tomorrow.
1. Prosecco Pancakes
All you need for this recipe, besides your normal batter ingredients is prosecco. See, simple.
The recipe is over on, and just involves putting a hint of prosecco into the batter, then making a simple syrup out of sugar and fizz. Delish.
2. Baileys Pancakes
Finally, here’s something to do with all of that Baileys left over from Christmas. Add it to your pancake batter and make a simple drizzle out of it. I’d recommend slathering them with Nutella too. Recipe is from, so get on it.
3. Banana Bourbon Pancakes
These sound a bit more luxurious than your average, but again, they’re super easy to make. All you need to add to your shopping list is bourbon, bananas, cinnamon, and brown sugar. Full recipe is from A Cozy Kitchen, and it looks unreal.
4. Gin, Tonic, and Lemon Pancakes
Here’s one for the lazy among us. Marks and Spencer are selling this pancake syrup, which is basically a Gin and Tonic for your pancakes. A bit of lemon juice and sugar with this and you’re on your way.
5. Boozy Orange Crepe Suzette
If you prefer crepes to pancakes, this recipe from Delicious Shots combines crepe suzette with a generous splash of orange liquor Grand Marnier (or Cointreau, if you have it). Eh, yum.
6. Mojito Berry Pancakes
Ah, the classic. With a berry twist. All you need to shove in the shopping trolley is a bottle of rum, and your usual ingredients. You might even have enough left over to make a mojito. The full recipe is over on, just don’t forget the berries.